Space Fumigation

Fumigation treatment must be carried out in gas-tight space. If it can be proved that the fumigation chamber (as in shipping containers) are gas-tight, the use of fumigation sheets are not required. If it can not be proved that the gas-tight room fumigation, the use of containment or fumigation cover sheet must be done.
Use of Gas-tight Container Fumigation In Room
The use of containers as fumigation chamber can be done if the container is gas impermeable. Impermeability containers known to perform the testing. Rate Impermeability gas must be measured using a pressure drop test (presurre decay test). This can be done by looking at a half-pressure (or decrease) of 200 Pa ke100. Containers can not reach the pressure to 250 Pa (the pressure beginning to test) is not considered impervious.
Examination of the condition of containers
If possible the examination of a container made before commodities put into it, with the following procedures:
a. Container is positioned in such a way that all sides can be examined to ensure its feasibility.
b. Container should be placed on a flat surface and horizontally to avoid the slope that may lead to the doors can not be closed completely.
c. Record the container identification number.
d. Checking the condition of walls, floors and roof of the container is not perforated.
e. Checking sanitary containers.
f. Checking the condition of the container door.

Against container whose condition allows testing can be done Impermeability gas.
Testing Impermeability Gas
1) Closure of ventilation
Ensure that the area around each ventilator is dry and free of oil, then cover and seal all ventilators to make gas-tight.
The most effective way to close the ventilation is to use a sheet of plastic (polyethylene or PVC) that is attached to the container with tape. Ventilation can also be closed directly with adhesive tape.

2) The pressure in the container
Pressure in a closed container should be raised to 250 Pa using air which entered the high pressure of the compressor or gas cylinder.
Provision of pressure must be done without making a hole in the wall of crates. For this purpose, typically used a special tool called "finger manifold '(finger-shaped air compression tool). "Finger manifold" is designed to.

Because elongated plastic tape when removed from the roll, the user must be careful that the tape is left slack before attach it to the wall of the container closure because otherwise it will not be done perfectly.

Fumigation of timber or timber products is allowed only if :
• The thickness of wood products is less than 20 centimeters (8 inches)
• Stacking (stacking) of commodities made in such a way as to separate it vertically every 20 cm (8 inches)
• There is a considerable distance (at least 5 cm) between the composition of commodities with the base and roof space fumigation.

The provision as above is necessary because the effective concentration of methyl bromide will only penetrate as deep as 10 cm (4 inches) from the surface to the inside of the wood during the fumigation. It is also necessary to facilitate the circulation of commodities around the fumigant.