DEFINITION of Fumigation is termite and pest control with the street or enter fumigant to release in a closed room or hermetic (gas tight) for some time in the dose and concentration that can kill pests.

Fumigant is chemicals which in a certain temperature and pressure of gas can be toxic for organisms gadfly. Example: methyl bromide (CH3Br) and Phospin (PH3)

 Reaching pest to the place where the most difficult / hidden (in the commodity)
 Effective pest control all stadia (eggs, flyblow, pupa & imago)
 Do not leave harmful residues, so the consumer does not end
 No damage / change the commodity (physical & composition)

Description Phospine methyl Bromide
Material On PH3 CH3Br
Gas Liquid solid form
Environment effect to the ozone layer
Within 3 - 5 days 1 hour x 24
Easy application More difficult
Depending on the dose volume of 24 - 80 gr/m3
Relatively Relatively safe security risk
The sooner Aerasi Older
There is no residue Low
Gas flow Bottom-Up Top-Down
Corrosive Metal: gold, silver etc. No - except for Al
Threshold 0.3 ppm 20 ppm

A. Based on the needs of handling

Fumigasi CARE
Done to control the pest for the commodity (product) in storage (storage) and property (houses, buildings etc.).

ACTION Fumigasi Quarantine
Pest control for commodities as a quarantine requirements. Generally done for the purposes of exports.

B. According to the application process, Fumigasi Terminix divided into:

Space Fumigation
Treatment on the entire vessel fumigasi rooms. Eg silo, boat, home etc..

Under Fumigation Sheet
Pelaksanakan limited to the commodity that will perform with difumigasi
Penyungkupan under the plastic.

Container Fumigation
Fumigasi for commodities in the container.

C. Standard treatment fumigasi TERMINIX

Fumigation with standard treatment in accordance with the requirements of the National Quarantine (Barantan) - Ministry of Agriculture and AQIS (the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service). This operation is usually done for export needs.

ISPM # 15

Fumigasi on wood pallet for shipping the commodity as the standard ISPM # 15 (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures), which is derived from the demand of wood packaging pest-free by the WTO (World Trade Organization) and FAO


A. Security Equipment (Safety Tools)

 work clothes: wearpack, safety-shoes, helmets & gloves
 respiratory protection equipment: mask, canister
 P3K Box, Fire tube
 Alert Warning: Yellow line, stand-up sign

B. Equipment Monitoring
 leak detector: electronic leak detector, the halida
 Gas detector tube
 Gas concentration gauge (riken interferometer)
 Sampling tubes

C. Aplicator of Fumigasi
 Fumigan: methyl Bromide (CH3Br, Phospin (Ph3)
 As a gas, Connector (cylinder draw), Nozzles & T-Pieces
 Sungkup (plastic) fumigation
 ballast: Sand Snake, Water Snake
 The other fan, heater (evaporiser), isolation, clamps, flashlights, ropes, scales etc.


1. Verification (survey)
• Checking the type and volume of commodities
• Scope of pests: to measure the dose and time of execution
• Time of concentration: the time needed to reach a certain concentration
• Location Fumigasi: secure from interference, just lighting, good ventilation, even and solid floor.

2. Preparation
• Security and safety: information to all parties
• The position of the commodity: clean and tidy
• Placement and distribution of gas hose & monitoring
• Location Fumigasi: secure from interference, just lighting, good ventilation, even and solid floor.

3. Implementation: The gas

4. Monitoring: monitoring the start & end

5. Aerasi: fumigan exemption status to secure a man (Threshold Limit Value)

6. Publishing Certificate
• Clearance SertifikatGas: security conditions in a safe environment fumigasi
• Certificate Fumigasi: evidence of fumigasi