Space Fumigation

Fumigation treatment must be carried out in gas-tight space. If it can be proved that the fumigation chamber (as in shipping containers) are gas-tight, the use of fumigation sheets are not required. If it can not be proved that the gas-tight room fumigation, the use of containment or fumigation cover sheet must be done.
Use of Gas-tight Container Fumigation In Room
The use of containers as fumigation chamber can be done if the container is gas impermeable. Impermeability containers known to perform the testing. Rate Impermeability gas must be measured using a pressure drop test (presurre decay test). This can be done by looking at a half-pressure (or decrease) of 200 Pa ke100. Containers can not reach the pressure to 250 Pa (the pressure beginning to test) is not considered impervious.
Examination of the condition of containers
If possible the examination of a container made before commodities put into it, with the following procedures:
a. Container is positioned in such a way that all sides can be examined to ensure its feasibility.
b. Container should be placed on a flat surface and horizontally to avoid the slope that may lead to the doors can not be closed completely.
c. Record the container identification number.
d. Checking the condition of walls, floors and roof of the container is not perforated.
e. Checking sanitary containers.
f. Checking the condition of the container door.

Against container whose condition allows testing can be done Impermeability gas.
Testing Impermeability Gas
1) Closure of ventilation
Ensure that the area around each ventilator is dry and free of oil, then cover and seal all ventilators to make gas-tight.
The most effective way to close the ventilation is to use a sheet of plastic (polyethylene or PVC) that is attached to the container with tape. Ventilation can also be closed directly with adhesive tape.

2) The pressure in the container
Pressure in a closed container should be raised to 250 Pa using air which entered the high pressure of the compressor or gas cylinder.
Provision of pressure must be done without making a hole in the wall of crates. For this purpose, typically used a special tool called "finger manifold '(finger-shaped air compression tool). "Finger manifold" is designed to.

Because elongated plastic tape when removed from the roll, the user must be careful that the tape is left slack before attach it to the wall of the container closure because otherwise it will not be done perfectly.

Fumigation of timber or timber products is allowed only if :
• The thickness of wood products is less than 20 centimeters (8 inches)
• Stacking (stacking) of commodities made in such a way as to separate it vertically every 20 cm (8 inches)
• There is a considerable distance (at least 5 cm) between the composition of commodities with the base and roof space fumigation.

The provision as above is necessary because the effective concentration of methyl bromide will only penetrate as deep as 10 cm (4 inches) from the surface to the inside of the wood during the fumigation. It is also necessary to facilitate the circulation of commodities around the fumigant.

Effect of Methyl Bromide Against Commodities

Some commodities are not suitable treated with methyl bromide. When there are concerns that the commodity will have bad influence of methyl bromide, and the owner of the commodity fumigation companies must seek advice of experts regarding the effect or entered into prior to the test commodity fumigation done before. Effect of methyl bromide on commodities vary, depending on the type of fumigated commodities, including:

1). Decreased ability to grow.
Methyl bromide fumigation on seedling plants can result in decreased power to grow. Tolerance of seedlings to methyl bromide each different from one other, but many are affected, although only a single fumigation at normal doses. When methyl bromide fumigation should be used for seed, use a lower dose (eg 10 g/m3).

2). Residue formation.
Methyl bromide reacts with-OH. -S-, and-NH in the commodities so that form the methylated compounds and inorganic bromide. Excessive levels of These two compounds can not be contained in foodstuffs. Fumigation of commodities with high doses or which may lead to less well the aeration excessive residues of the two compounds in foodstuffs.

3). Pollution / stain (taint).
Fumigation of commodities that absorb fumigant, such as flour, soy flour or nuts, especially at high doses, can result in sulfur stains seem obvious, especially at the time the product was processed. Bread made from flour that has been fumigated, cut and wrapped immediately after baking, probably will have a special smell. This odor arising from sulfides out methyl bromide due to reaction with the materials that contain sulfur.

A similar reaction can cause damage to other commodities such wool, which have been tanned leather, natural rubber and glass paper (Cellophane).

4). Changes in the quality process.
Fumigation with methyl bromide can alter the quality of the commodity fumigated, especially when used in excessive doses, but the data on this subject only there is little. Methyl bromide in high doses can alter the quality of baked fumigated wheat. Plant life is very likely to be damaged when fumigated at a temperature of 30oC or more. Cut flowers, fresh fruit, vegetables and some kinds of seeds are also very sensitive to fumigation with methyl bromide. Usually these commodities will also be damaged when fumigated in temperature and high doses. It is therefore advisable to ask opinion from experts or trial and error before fumigation carried out.

For the fumigation of fresh fruit and vegetables, fumigation companies must use temperature of the meat pieces for dose calculations, rather than the room temperature as in the fumigation other commodities. Fruit pulp temperature must be included in the Certificate of Fumigation. In measuring the temperature of the fruit flesh, fumigation company must take samples from at least one place in each of the bottom, middle and top party commodities. Temperature testing tool must be inserted into the center of a fruit that is located in the middle of the carton if possible.

Commodities are in trouble if fumigated with methyl bromide :

1. Foodstuff
a. Butter and fat.
b. Iodized salt is stabilized by sodium hiposulfit.
c. Saturated fat soy flour, wheat flour, flour protein
other high-starch and flour panir.
d. Nuts with high oil content.
e. Some baking soda, fodder (for example in the form
plates and contains nutrients and minerals), or material
Other foods that contain reactive sulfur compounds.
f. Animals with a mixture of bone meal.

2. Goods of leather (especially gloves or leather goods Other tanned with sulfur process).

3. Wool (high level of caution should be applied in fumigation
Angora wool. Some adverse effects have occurred on socks,
sweaters, scarves, and knitting yarn made from wool).

4. Viscose rayon, rayon that is processed or created through a process by using carbon bisulfida.

5. Photographic chemicals (not camera film or X-ray film)

6. Paper:
a. Paper silver polisher.
b. Certain other paper writing is preserved by a process
c. Photographic prints or blueprints stored in large quantities.
d. NCR paper.
7. Of rubber goods:
a. Rubber sponge.
b. Foam rubber, fillers such as rugs, pillows, cushions, mattresses
and the cover attached to the car.
c. Rubber stamps and the like, or recycled rubber.

8. Vinyl.

9. Fur animals.

10. Feathers of birds (especially in bird feather pillows).

11. Charcoal, coal, charcoal-shaped solid blocks and activated carbon.

12. Goods that are made of horse hair.

13. Oil paintings.

14. Sulfur-based paint.

15. Paper thin glass.

16. Polystyrene packaging

17. Seeds and seed plants.

18. Cut flowers.

Effect of Methyl Bromide Against Human

The most important thing that needs to be a concern in the use of methyl bromide is that the fumigant is highly toxic to humans. Methyl bromide poisoning can be fatal (death) to humans. Symptoms of fumigant poisoning is often not appear until some considerable time so that often is not realized. Not
rarely happens that the victim beyond help or recovery is difficult because late symptoms are known. Therefore, the provision of necessary safety adhered to in earnest in carrying out fumigation with this fumigant.

There is no known antidote for methyl bromide poisoning. Nevertheless, it was reported that administration of high doses of oral cysteine ​​can help to reduce methyl bromide poisoning.

Methyl bromide can cause:
• damage to the brain, nervous system and kidneys;
• accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
• sores and blisters on the skin.

The effect of exposure (exposure) of gas depends on gas concentration, duration time and frequency of exposure. An adverse effect can occur not only caused by exposure to high concentrations, but also a continuous exposure or repeatedly even in low concentrations. Recommended limits to exposure at work on methyl bromide is 5 ppm (0.02 g/m3) for 8-hour average exposure time, and 15 ppm (0.06 g/m3) for 10 minutes on average exposure time.

A person who is affected by exposure to low concentrations may not be directly feel any symptoms. Poisoning can occur on exposure to concentration of 25-120 ppm. In a short period of time the patient will begin to feel unwell, suffering from headaches, eye pain and feeling nauseated. These symptoms can mistaken for symptoms of common diseases so that less attention despite the fact very dangerous. The effect is more serious may occur due to exposure to higher concentrations (above 120 ppm). These symptoms usually in the form of damage on the nervous system, which is often not immediately apparent until after a period of time a fairly long, ranging from several hours to less than one day. Symptoms that shown by the difficulties arising in focusing the eyes, impaired speech, and stagger (as in drunk). Sometimes the feeling is weak the limbs, especially legs. These symptoms may be followed by epilepsy and no unconscious. If this happens, people will be very difficult to regenerate. 
If the patient remains alive, it can take several months to several years to be able to recover. During that time, the feeling of depression, memory loss, can not sleep, weak and shivering, and can result in lack of sanity. Exposure to high concentrations can also result in pulmonary edema and kidney damage. Damage to the skin may occur due to contact with liquid or gaseous methyl bromide in high concentrations. Clothing, rubber gloves, and wound dressings can be penetrated by methyl bromide, and the gas can remain in contact with skin for a long time, causing the onset of blistering. Bleb usually large, surrounded by red and swollen area, and takes a long time to heal.

The most important thing that needs to be a concern in the use of methyl bromide is that the fumigant is highly toxic to humans. Methyl bromide poisoning can be fatal (death) to humans. Symptoms of fumigant poisoning is often not appear until some considerable time so that often is not realized. Not rarely happens that the victim beyond help or recovery is difficult because late symptoms are known. Therefore, the provision of necessary safety adhered to in earnest in carrying out fumigation with this fumigant.

FUMIGATION with methyl bromide

Methyl bromide is a fumigant that is highly toxic, colorless and odorless. Regulations in some countries require that the methyl bromide used in fumigation treatments must contain an indicator, for example kloropikrin as much as 2 percent. Methyl bromide is contained kloropikrin fitotoksik of live plants, cut flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables and grains. In some countries, kloropikrin residues in foodstuffs is not allowed. Treatment with methyl bromide repeatedly bromide can leave residues that exceed the exposure limits in foodstuffs. High bromide residues in foodstuffs may be detrimental to the health of consumers.In accordance with the provisions of the Codex Alimentarius, the limit for inorganic bromide residues allowed on food ranged from 0.01 to 20 mg / kg, depending on the type of food.Bromide ion is also known as a substance that can cause damage to the ozone layer. Therefore, through the Montreal Protocol, agreed to the use of methyl bromide phased out. The provisions on the gradual abolition does not apply to pre-shipment and quarantine purposes. However, the use of the fumigant for quarantine and pre shipment must be made in accordance with the implementation of good fumigation (good Fumigation practices) to reduce the excessive emission of fumigant into the air.


Fumigation with methyl bromide for quarantine purposes are made to thevarious kinds of commodities.The use of methyl bromide be avoided if :

1). Commodity to be fumigated is the seed, unless recommended byspecially. 
2). Commodities which are absorbent or react with methyl bromide, such as grainswith high oil content, a material made from natural rubber, animal dander, andbutter. 
3). Location fumigation is very close to workplaces and residential areas.
4). Commodities, particularly foodstuffs, has been fumigated with methyl bromide is morethan once. 
5). Not available skilled personnel. 
6). Not available with adequate protective equipment. 
7). Time to carry out fumigation to completion is not enough

Methyl bromide is a reactive chemical that can react with the elements and change the nature of some materials fumigated. It is known that methyl bromide reacts with sulfur-containing molecules such as those found in natural rubber and fur-Buluan. Methyl bromide will form an explosive substance with aluminum in the absence of oxygen. Liquid methyl bromide is a powerful solvent that will dissolve bitumin materials (which contain asphalt and lignite) and causes the soft and expanding some plastics, especially PVC.

Fumigation Treatment

Fumigation is the treatment of a product by using smoke / fumigant which aims to kill insects / fungi / other pests. Fumigation is one of the export requirements in accordance with international contained in various agreements, including the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) which direcomended by the world trade (WTO).

Fumigant is a kind of pesticide / drug chemical pesticides in the form of gas and the concentration and time to kill pests. Fumigant used in the process takes time to sink perfectly on the fumigated product. Implementation of this fumigation begins with the inclusion of gas and end with the release of gas or also called aeration to neutralize toxic gas remaining in the product. That need to be reminded to all exporters are, do not let your commodities in re-fumigation (or exposure claim) in the destination country only because it is not in the fumigation at the time be sent abroad.

STANDARD OF FUMIGATION :1. Fumigation Certificate Issuance AFASID numbered registration which is registered government official and legally recognized internationally.2. Fumigation certificate must be signed by the technical competence of fumigation (authorized competence) of international beregister.3. Conditions and procedures for implementation of the fumigation government standards and international standards that apply.Fumigant (drug / pesticide) used is methyl bromide (CH3Br) with dose commonly used is 48 gram/m3/24 hours. In the event of additions or dose reduction, according charged additional / reduction in the amount of drug is used. Effective fumigation process takes at least 1 x 24 hours. Quality assured results, reduce the risk to re-fumigation (or claim) of the state destination.Announcement or order fumigation to be submitted no later than 24 hours before clossing ship.

Fumigation can be done for other purposes such as timber or packaging of commodities. For commodities in warehouses, fumigation is also obliged to use a cupola or coversheet. Place buildup or depot fumigation, plant location / warehouse, or a loading dock, should be clean and free from many pests and other pests, especially for fumigation outside the container (such as in warehouses), then it must be places / locations that avoid the heat and rain , clean, and away from the traffic of people.Container or commodities that have been completed in the fumigation, should be placed separately from the container or other commodities that have not been in the fumigation to prevent re-contamination during on-site stacking / storage. Commodities that have been completed in the fumigation, it is advisable not to get too long in storage, to minimize the possibility of contamination back. In this case, if the storage fumigant resistance over the limit (21 days), then it should be
done a refumigation. Doses vary depending on the type of commodity fumigation in fumigation or above requirements the country of destination.

The cost of fumigation is divided into several categories, adjusted with the procedures and the location of fumigation will be done one of which is in konteiner fumigation carried out in a predetermined container depot. For this type of fumigation is already included in the rent a container depot, elevator on & lift off at the container depot, trucking costs from the container depot to the port. As for LCL fumigation or fumigation is carried out outside the container (before stuffing) can be done at the factory or other location mutually agreed. Tariff costs are calculated based on the volume of commodity fumigation in fumigation.

Fumigation Standards Implementation Support Tools
To complement the activities of fumigation, required equipment. The equipment include:
1. Interferometer (Gas Concentration Measuring Tool)
2. Gas Leak Detector (Gas Leak Detection Equipment)
3. Coversheet (Container Closures)
4. Full Face Masks
5. canister
6. Hats Safety / Helmets
7. Safety Shoes
8. Methyl bromide gas
9. scale
10. Fold ladder
11. Hazard Tape / Police Line
12. Caution Signs Danger Poison / Danger Sticker
13. Heating / Evaporizer
14. Monitor hose
15. Cotton Gloves
16. wrench
17. nozzles
18. meter
19. Thermometer (temperature gauges)
20. Gas Hose fumigants
21. Seal Tape
22. Ropes / Mine
23. mop
24. fan
25. Sand Snake
26. Placement Tool Hose
27. Pillar Police Line
28. trunk
29. clamp
30. White duct tape
31. Black duct tape
32. cable Roll
33. trolley
34. Fold ladder
35. screwdriver
36. blower
37. Detector tube

International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM)

1. ISPM # 15 is the standard treatment / medication against the prevailing international any wood packaging (boxes, crates, pallets, dunnage, etc..) which will be used as an ingredient supporting exports. The agreement was contained in various provisions administered by the World Body level of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) agreed World Trade Organization (WTO).
2. There are two types of treatment measures are allowed, ie Fumigation and Heat Treatment depending on the demand for the destination country.
3. Any wood packaging products that have been given the treatment, would be a sign or marking and   labeling.
4. ISPM # 15 carried by a wood packaging products company (providers) are already government officially registered (ID Number). This company regardless of fumigation companies.
5. Rates adjusted cost of production of packaging timber of the type, volume, and size of wood packaging which will be produced. This fee regardless of the cost of fumigation.
6. For wood packaging made ​​by the customers themselves, will direcek by officers ISPM # 15 and only charged for marking / labeling according to the prevailing standard rate.
7. Like the fumigation, then any act of ISPM # 15 also will be issued a certificate ISPM # 15

1. Phytosanitary Certificate is a Certificate of Plant Health (products derived from plants such as wood / pallet / box, biji2an, tubers, etc..) stating that the productare free from pests / plant diseases dangerous.
2. Published by the local Plant Quarantine
3. The cost of a tariff levied as a government official State Revenue
The fee is a pure cost issue Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) and sep arate from the cost of fumigation.